
Grading reform (including standards-based grading) is not a “teachers vs. administrators” issue

In Jay Mathews’ November 27, 2022 column entitled “Why don’t teachers complain to bosses about infuriating policies?“, he starts off by noting his observation: Many teachers have complained to me about what they consider the harm done by new policies called standards-based grading. These are designed to reduce stress for struggling students. The reforms include […]


Debunking myths of standards-based grading: Addressing the concerns and providing some strategies for implementing alternative grading practices

In this paper, we address concerns and provide some strategies for implementing alternative grading practices in secondary science classrooms. Myth 1: “The real world isn’t like this.”Myth 2: “Grading this way will decrease the rigor of my science classroom.”Myth 3: “Grades should be a motivator in my classroom.”Myth 4: “I can use my old ways


Including homework and employability skills in class grades: An investigation of equitable grading outcomes in an urban high school

Abstract: Historically, race and poverty have been contributing factors when considering gaps among students in their academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to determine how employability and homework scores within traditional points and percentages weighted grading models impact grades from an equity lens. This study analyzed 779 students’ semester math grades at an


Leaders are readers! (But what are they reading?)

One of my educational leadership mentors once told me that “leaders are readers.” That is, if educators desire to model the same lifelong learning disposition we desire to help our students become, our learning as adults should never end! While there are a growing number of educational blogs, Twitter chats, and podcasts available today to


Overcoming the implementation dip in standards-based grading

One of the things we know about leading second order change — such as when a school transitions to standards-based grading practices — is that it often involves an implementation dip (see McRel’s Balanced Leadership research). For example, we should anticipate that students will initially question the value of completing homework if there is no


Missing the Point about Homework and Deadlines in the Grade Book

By Matt Townsley & Ken O’Connor In his April 3rd column entitled “Educators in growing debate scold me for defending grading of homework,” Washington Post education columnist Jay Mathews asserts that homework deadlines help prepare students for life. Mr. Mathews is writing to express his disagreement with Arlington Public Schools’ recent move toward removing penalties


Standards-Based Grading Articles Published in 2021 by Dr. Matt Townsley

In 2021, I published four new articles related to grading. The references and abstracts/summaries are below, and when possible, a link to the full article is also provided. Griffin, R., & Townsley, M. (2021). Points, points and more points: Grade inflation and deflation when homework and employability scores are incorporated. Journal of School Administration Research and

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