Leaders are readers! (But what are they reading?)

One of my educational leadership mentors once told me that “leaders are readers.” That is, if educators desire to model the same lifelong learning disposition we desire to help our students become, our learning as adults should never end! While there are a growing number of educational blogs, Twitter chats, and podcasts available today to learn from, a colleague and I recently sought to identify the types of educational journals practicing superintendents read. Through a *survey of 233 public school superintendents across ten states, we found many superintendents are reading publications provided by professional and trade organizations rather than peer-reviewed journals. Below is a list of the top five journals public school superintendents indicated they are reading:

1) Educational Leadership
2) School Administrator
3) Education Week
4) American School Board Journal
5) NASSP Bulletin

School superintendents, like all other K-12 education staff, are busy planning for, implementing and managing the day-to-day operations of the educational system. Therefore, they are more likely to read publications that are written using language that speaks to their day-to-day dilemmas and celebrations. Furthermore, busy school superintendents are more likely to access publications provided by professional and trade organizations, because they often included with the membership dues and land directly in their mailbox or email inbox. Spoiler alert: My colleague and I also asked public school principals what journals they are reading, and the results were strikingly similar!


  • What educational journals are you reading this school year? How do you access these journals?
  • What makes an educational journal worth picking up to read on the weekend or after your ownkids go to bed?

I would love to hear from you!


*To access the article describing this research study, “Leaders Are Readers: What Journals Do Public School Superintendents Read?” written by Matt Townsley and Benterah Morton, click here for a PDF of the Summer 2022 issue of AASA’s Journal of Scholarship & Practice.

**This article summary originally appeared in Iowa ASCD’s The Source e-newsletter (September 2022).

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