The purpose of this page is to provide a one-stop portal for all things standards-based grading (SBG).
Suggestions and submissions for this page may be sent to Dr. Matt Townsley.
- What does the research say about standards-based grading? [Townsley & Buckmiller white paper]
- A comprehensive list of scholarly standards-based grading articles [Frequently updated]
- “A Century of Grading Research” by Brookhart, Guskey and colleagues [A synthesis of 100+ years of grading research]
Three Big SBG Shifts
- Reporting learning rather than tasks
- A mastery mindset
- Repurposing homework and checks for understanding as ungraded practice
Read about all three shifts:
Additional Reading
- Making Grades Matter: Standards-Based Grading in a Secondary PLC at Work [book]
- Using Grading to Support Student Learning [book]
- A Parents’ Guide to Grading and Reporting: Being Clear about What Matters [book]
- Extinguishing the Fires within Assessment and Grading Reform [book]
- A comprehensive list of standards-based grading books [Frequently updated]
- Top 3 standards-based grading articles published by Dr. Matt Townsley (2022)
- Top 4 standards-based grading articles (2022)
- Top 5 standards-based grading articles (2021)
- Top 5 standards-based grading articles published by Dr. Matt Townsley (2021)
- Top 10 grading articles (2020)
- Top 5 standards-based grading articles (2019)
- Top 10 standards-based grading articles (2016, 2017, & 2018)
- Top 10 standards-based grading articles (pre-2016)
- Top 5 standards-based grading books (2016-2018)
- Top 10 standards-based grading books (pre-2016)
- 3 common myths about standards-based grading – debunked
- Reimagining grades and report cards for distance learners
- Overcoming the implementation dip in standards-based grading
- 4 things we have learned while discussing grading reform with parents
- Grading reform (including standards-based grading) is not a “teachers vs. administrators” issue
- Six resources to support your school with redos, reassessment and relearning
Classroom and School Examples
- Standards-Based Grading videos [Click on “discipline-specific” to see voice over videos of practitioners explaining their SBG implementation]
- Des Moines Public Schools (Iowa) grading page (including video testimonials from teachers)
- Secondary standards-based grading guidelines
- High school transcripts and reports separating academics from behaviors
- Elementary standards-based report cards
- Middle school standards-based report card
- SBG in Iowa secondary schools (map and searchable database IN-PROGRESS)
- Communicating reform practices and policies with parents (Dr. Josh Kunnath, HS English teacher)
Videos for Your Learning
- The 3 grading reform challenges every school leader must overcome [District Administration webinar]
- Debunking standards-based grading myths [Otus Live! professional development video]
- How can teachers communicate mastery of learning standards to their students? (Khan Academy Ed Talk)
- Making the Grade: Standards-Based, Traditional, or Both? (Tech & Learning leadership roundtable)
- Assessment Reimagined: What Have We Learned? Where Do We Go Next? (Educators Without Borders)
- The problem with grading behavior (NWEA “The Continuing Educator” series)
- Standards-Based Grading 201: Overcoming common implementation pitfalls (Making Grades Matter authors for Prairie Lakes AEA)
- Rick Wormeli on Standards-Based Grading (Stenhouse Publishers)
Professional Organizations’ Grading Recommendations
- National Association of Secondary School Principals (Class Rank, GPA, and Grading)
- California Teachers Association (several educators share their experiences with grading)
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is standards-based grading?
- Where does our school start with implementing standards-based grading? (FAQ & resources for school leaders)
- How should schools grade during a pandemic?
- If homework does not count towards the final grade in SBG, will students still complete it?
- How do teachers determine letter grades and GPAs from standards?
- What are the similarities and differences between standards-based grading (SBG) and competency-based education (CBE)?
- Do high school students experiencing SBG receive a fair shot at college/university admissions?
- What does reassessment look like in SBG without going crazy?
- Help me with reassessment! (Reassessment in SBG FAQ)
- What are some of the pitfalls to avoid when implementing standards-based grading?
- 10 common grading concerns and answers (via classroom teacher Dr. Josh Kunnath)