
Leaders of Performance: Planning with the End in Mind

[Note to readers: This column is part of an ongoing series for Iowa ASCD’s The Source e-newsletter.] Leaders of Performance: Planning with the End in Mind What does it mean to be a curriculum lead?  This is the sixth column in a series for Iowa administrators, teacher leaders and anyone else interested in enhancing curriculum leadership.  Over


Considering standards-based Grading: Challenges for Secondary School Leaders

The purpose of this article is to describe principles of standards-based grading, empirical support of SBG, and several common challenges secondary school leaders may face when considering this philosophical shift. Future research recommendations include exploring the perspectives of college students who graduate from high schools using SBG to understand the longer-term successes and shortcomings of the grading system.


Leaders of Relationship Building: Listening is a part of leading

[Note to readers: This column is part of an ongoing series for Iowa ASCD’sThe Source e-newsletter.] Leaders of Relationship Building: Listening is a part of leading What does it mean to be a curriculum lead? This is the fifth column in a series for Iowa administrators, teacher leaders and anyone else interested in enhancing curriculum leadership. So


Top 5 Standards-Based Grading Books (2016-2018)

In early 2016, I listed what I thought were the top ten books written about effective grading practices. Many books have been written about standards-based grading in the last three years, however I wanted to highlight five that have impacted me the most. Here we go! O’Connor, K. (2018). How to grade for learning, K-12 (4th


Top 10 standards-based grading articles (2016-2018)

In early 2016, I wrote what I thought were the “Top 10 standards-based grading articles” available at that time. Nearly three years have past and a number of quality articles have been written in that time. Here we go! Brookhart, S. M., Guskey, T. R., Bowers, A. J., McMillan, J. H., Smith, J. K., Smith,

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